Education Systems

The Development of a Segregated Educational System

At the primary education level, the ASJA established seven (7) primary schools at the following locations: - Carapichaima, Charlieville, San Fernando, Rio Claro, Princes Town, Point Fortin, Barrackpore, three of which were officially opened on 11th January 1953. Not content with these successes, the Association soon entered the field of secondary school education with both the San Fernando ASJA Boys College and San Fernando ASJA Girls College being established as private institutions in 1960 and 1962 respectively. In 1966, ASJA Boys became state-aided and in 1976 ASJA Girls was similarly granted state aid.

These colleges have had great successes over the years and when, in the year 1999, permission was granted, once more, for the construction of denominational schools at the secondary level, the ASJA grasped the opportunity and constructed four (4) colleges: - ASJA Boys, ASJA Girls both at Charlieville and ASJA Girls at Tunapuna and at Barrackpore all of which opened their doors in the year 2000.

These colleges have all had graduating students in 2005 despite the sometime trying conditions due to construction which both teachers and students endured and for which they must be commended.

The ASJA’s contingent of schools and colleges now stand at sixteen (16) with three (3) Pre-schools in progress.

The literacy level of our community could not have been so greatly enhanced had it not been for our entry into the field of secular education in which moral and religious values form an integral part of our schools curriculum.

Educational Complex and Markaz al ASJA Islamic Center

The Educational Complex at Charlieville continues to grow into a fantastically massive Conglomeration of buildings already accommodating two colleges, a primary school, a pre school and a Markaz, a centre being built to house the Institute of Islamic studies, a convention hall, an auditorium and a penthouse, with Masjid facilities on the ground level. There will also be an artefact room, a language laboratory and a library, and a restaurant to cater for all levels of our society in a relatively safe environment.

The complex will also house dormitory facilities for students and teachers of the Institute and a Cultural Centre for the teaching and practising of our cultural beliefs and practices.

IDB Students Loan Programme

In 1988, the Association entered into a venture with the Islamic Development Bank, [IDB], in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, whereby deserving students would be provided with a loan for the full term of their studies at The University of The West Indies, [UWI]. Four (4) students were enrolled in the initial year and, today, the ASJA IDB Loan Programme, as it is known, continues to benefit members of our own country. To date, approximately 18 doctors and engineers have graduated from this programme.