As-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu. The Anjuman Sunnat-ul-Jamaat Association wishes to extend Eid-ul-Fitr greetings and best wishes for the Blessings of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala to all our Muslim brothers and sisters and their families, and to all citizens of our country Trinidad and Tobago. May our efforts during the blessed and noble month of Ramadan be accepted by Allah Ta'aala and may He grant us all peace, contentment, Taqwa in our hearts, and true Iman or faith in Him. May our brothers and sisters of the entire Ummah who are suffering under the tests of oppression, hunger, homelessness, war, prejudice and all other forms of tribulations receive Shifa or relief and may their Imaan remain firm with patience. JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR. SALAAMS TO EVERYONE!
Sadaqat-ul-Fitr was introduced in the 2nd year of Hijrah along with Fasting. In the Hanafi Madhab it is Wajib (Mandatory) upon the one who possesses the Nisab of Zakat and it is almost Ijmaa' (Consensus).
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Sadaqat-ul-Fitr for Ramadan 1441AH (2020)
Since Hanafi jurists have allowed the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr in cash along with grain, it is better for us to pay it a few days before the EID prayer, this is the most evident opinion upon which the fatwa is given.
Sadaqt-ul-Fitr can be paid with one of the four following types of food:
- 1. WHEAT: A half Sa' (1/2) 2.47kg = $15.00
- 2. BARLEY: One Sa' 4.94kg = $ 182.00
- 3. RAISIN: One Sa' 4.94kg = $ 205.00
- 4. DATES: One Sa' 4.94kg = $ 155. 00 (pitted dates)
You can reach out to needy people directly and pay them your Sadaqat-ul-Fitr or you authorize someone to pay it but make sure that your amount of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr must reach the people before Eid prayer. The recipients of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr are the same as Zakat.